"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come." Oprah
Maybe it is lame to quote Oprah, but I'm desperatly hopeful
that she's right. This blog is really to try to deter the premature insanity that was beginning to emerge while I am learning web design, and following my passions. If you have a strong stomach, and good sense of humor, or are one of my friends or family (not optional for that group) please enjoy the ride.
The story starts with post #1, and continues to present day. I will keep you posted (pun intended), with the lasted chapter daily. Also, I will share my reviews of the books I escape with along the way.
Please, read, enjoy, comment, link, or message me. I'd love the feedback, it makes it seem less like I am just talking to myself.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Back to Work!

Woooo Hooooo! Back to work. No seriously! After the bout of quarantine worthy illnesses at our house, and then the holidays, I am ready to get back to work. I was gung ho to get here tonight. I logged online and was cruising along. I scheduled a first lesson with the web design instructor, and was logging on to problogger, to plow through the blogging for beginners series (http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/02/14/blogging-for-beginners-2/). Somehow, I found myself, two hours later, on some other site about business start up boot camp, buying into the marketing, and thinking yeah, I should totally take that course. I need to figure out how to run my own business.
Luckily, the very, very, small voice of reason stepped in and mentioned that cart before the horse cliche. So, I remembered the point of the blog was to keep focused on the web site creation, and the book reviews. That means that when I am getting overwhelmed with information, which seems to happen more easily these days, I have to blog. I regain focus, and perspective with the blogging process. That is the theory anyway. So with my fingers crossed, and breath held, damn it I am always forgetting to breathe. (note to self, get back to yoga, ASAP!) Focus!
I think today, I really have to get my blog roll started. First, find out if you are supposed to get permission to link to other blogs, and how do I get them to link to mine. Also, the task for tonight, search and find blogs that I like and want to have listed on my blog. That seems like a worthwhile task. That is the model that every other blog seems to use, so it must work. Hopefully by the time people read this, there will also be a blog roll.
Oh, some good news, the first comment, random, no one I know, promise, was left on the site. Also, MetaxuCafe has listed my blog on their list of book blogs. I am very excited about that!
I have to get to work now! Wish me luck!


Karlene said...

Hi there. Glad to see you're joining the Winter Reading Challenge. Looks like you have a great idea with your new website. Look forward to seeing the finished product.

No, you do not need permission to link to other people.

You get them to link to you by 1) providing quality posts that people want to read and share with others, 2) joining various social networks (I will send you an invite to Cre8buzz), 3) joining webrings in your areas of interest, and 4) by asking.

Booklover said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to post, and answer my questions. you would think a sipmle question like permissions would be easy to find an answer, but it is not directly answered on most guides. I actually spent a lot of time looking at your links, and finding other's blogs from your as well. Thank you very much!, I will be adding you to my site!
Also, i am excited about the site, hopefully it will be up sooner than later!