"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come." Oprah
Maybe it is lame to quote Oprah, but I'm desperatly hopeful
that she's right. This blog is really to try to deter the premature insanity that was beginning to emerge while I am learning web design, and following my passions. If you have a strong stomach, and good sense of humor, or are one of my friends or family (not optional for that group) please enjoy the ride.
The story starts with post #1, and continues to present day. I will keep you posted (pun intended), with the lasted chapter daily. Also, I will share my reviews of the books I escape with along the way.
Please, read, enjoy, comment, link, or message me. I'd love the feedback, it makes it seem less like I am just talking to myself.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Better to light a candle...

Better to light a candle...
Originally uploaded by Inners
I am not going to feel guilty for not blogging! I will not feel guilty for not blogging, hey wait, is that a double negative. I will not feel guilty for bad blog grammar! I will not feel guilty for bad blog grammar! Okay, I will make a sacrifice to the the blog Gods, and move one with my day, maybe light a candle or something.
I am still here and still making my way through this crazy journey into cyberspace. Admittedly some days, I mean some weeks are easier than others. The bottom line is that I am not a patient person. I have the site redesign all laid out, and ready. I have an action plan for the new launch, and tons of marketing ideas. The coding is stalled, it just takes time, it is complicated, and I ask a lot of the people that are helping me. So, much to my discouragement, there is not a SHAZAM moment yet! There will be, soon, I am sure, but in the mean time, I am trying to stay focused and keep my head up!

Oh yeah, and it is almost July and I may be the least tan person I know. I should get some sun! The problem, it is hard to see the computer screen when it is sunny outside, plus I sweat, and God knows if I am going to be sweating, I better be doing more than just typing!
Oh well, I am off to send out more books for review. BTW, if you'd like to review books for the site, just drop me a line. I'll get you on the list!
Off to work, work, work!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"When I came to, I had a revelation, a vision, a picture in my head" Doc Brown...Back To The Future

I laugh when I watch this video, right until I realize that Doc is sounding like me. I have a revelation, a vision, a picture in my head. And I have dedicated my time and money to making it work. I just hope it is not 30 yrs and my entire family fortune. LOL!

The reason for my self deprecation is that I have again had a revelation. We have to redesign the site. When I originally designed the site, it was very very pretty. I found my self asking, "wonder why no one else does their site like this?". Then the design restricted the function, so I opted for a quick redesign to simplify, but really felt like I was settling on the look.
Now, the learning curve is slowing,and I am understanding a basic web or maybe life concept. Function must dictate form. Period.
While it is not totally back to the drawing board, I am crumbling up the current design and implementing a whole new one. And, yes it is "a vision, a picture in my head". That is the trouble with all that reading for fun... cultivates a vivid imagination.

Looking forward to any feedback you guys have for the new design! Reassures me I am not always talking to myself.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Secret to Successful Plate Spinning

I love YouTube! You can learn so much form that awesome sight! For example, I wanted to post tonight about how much difficulty I am having managing all the jobs in my life, my many hats. So I was going to use the plate spinning analogy. I went to find a nifty picture, but soon realized that you lose the effect of the spinning without video. So, you know..light bulb.. get a youtube video instead. Here is what I found:

But, then I watched the video, and had a moment of clarity. See, here is where I have been going wrong. (hopefully you are watching the guy look cute with his viking hat and metal brassiere, stand there and look pretty, while his assistant get the plates spinning, and well.. keeps them spinning. That is where I am falling short. I am trying to be the one with the metal brazier remaining perfectly balanced, and do the job of the very busy assistant making all the plates spin, put them in place, and keep them freely spinning, all while staying perfectly balanced, and looking cute.

Guess I'd better get an assistant! QUICK! and I may check into a metal brassiere too, just in case.

Friday, June 6, 2008

"I'm so happy that I can't stop crying"

ripping hair out
Originally uploaded by Dan4th
Yes, another song playing in my head. The one by Sting. Well, just that line anyway...

Today is a defining day in the painful learning curve. It is the growing pains of spending a huge effort networking, and getting attention to the site (ijustfinished.com), then not having the foresight to set the forums up properly. So, now that there is a nice little community building there, we have to reset the whole forum boards. Posts will be deleted, and people will be disgusted I am sure. I am!
It is frustrating, but I am reassured that it is part of the process, and the learning curve that comes with the beta testing, and such a huge project.

The great news is that Jeremy is so freaking smart, that he in untangling the forums, and his also smart daughter has started working for Ijustfinished.com also. That will take a lot of pressure off of me, since there is enough work for 12 people right now!

So, as I laugh myself delirious, please have a heart help get the forums rocking! Or call with sympathy...either way, thanks for the support!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Newfound BEA Coolness Factor

There are lots of really cool things that happened at Book Expo America 2008. I will blog about them over the next weeks I am sure, after my brain can catch up with the weekend, but I obsessed over one minor selfish tidbit.

I know it will seem silly to most of you, but when you have a name like Giroux, no one ever pronounces it correctly, and I never, ever meet anyone else with the same name. The way that most people get "oh, I know a Smith in your area, any relation?" after you rintroduce yourself, that never, ever happens to me. Most people just try to ignore the weirdness, after mutilating the pronunciation of my name.

Except at Book Expo! Know why? Cause Giroux is the last part of Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux a HUGE publishing house. If you ever notice on your books, many of them are published by F,S, & G as they are commonly known. So as soon as I (well, me and 25 thousand other people) walked in to the trade show floor, what did I see....


Yep that is right, my last, Giroux, name big and bold, on the GIANT banners with lighting, and a gorgeous booth, and general coolness all the way around!!! So there, Spencer Anderson for making fun of me in the 6th grade, see, my name is cool! (yeah Dad, this post is for you too! See, we rock!)

Book Expo America

I am still here and reporting from Los Angles, CA, the biggest book event in the world. I am in book lovers heaven. You can see from the pictures that we are "press" which is very cool, especially since it is this blog originally got us that status. I am there with Micah (luvyaduvya) then chocking Naomi (musesacres) since she forget to turn her phone on all day, and never checked her email. She was is big trouble!
After the long day we trekked to an Irish Bistro and Michael was our waiter. I promised him a shout out! He brought over Evan (his boss) who was from Austin and relocated out here. It was a nice meal, and they were fun and friendly.
Then spent the rest of the night doing pressly things for the site. It feels great and fulfilling to be doing and living my passions and seeing me make things happen. It is however, work. There is no sugar coating that. So anytime that I feel discouraged I remember that at least this work is not wiping someone's butt, or doing mean things to kids.
Speaking of kids, though, Hannah ( my last little patient) got her trach out, and has gone home a normally breathing, happy, healthy toddler, who is also now learning to walk! Go Hannah. It warms my heart to end my nursing career with such a wonderful family and outcome! That girl is going places and changing the world, that I can assure you all!
So, now I gotta go, so I can keep working on making my mark on the planet. See y'all later!

Blog CPR!

This is me breathing new life here........

As those of you know who follow the ijustfinished.com site blog know, I am at Book Expo America in Los Angles. After attending a bloggers workshop, and talking to a few people, I have learned that people want to follow my insane journey. There was a request to go back to this blog, so here I am. Humbled and honored!
Actually, since I am reporting from BEA, I am slightly more insane than usual. I think I may have developed adult onset ADD, cause I cannot even process it all!

After looking back at this blog, it is very clear that there is a big gap of missing work. You will have to check out the www.ijustfinished.com to get filled in on the new look, link to the blog for the posts that bridge the gap, and talk on the forum.

Otherwise, in my life....what is new?
My baby(Bella) that I reference from the beginning, she is a toddler now. My son(Josh) is starting high school next fall. I have an amazing new boyfriend (Jeremy), and am in love like I have never been in my entire life. Expect to be hearing lots more about him.
I am doing freelance design and writing from my other site www.inspireddesignconcepts.com.
I am also doing reviews for several online sites, and recently got accepted to review for Publisher's Weekly Magazine. I am very excited about that.

Today was a full day at BEA, and I hope to have more exciting stuff to report, more pictures, and more brain power. So, stick with me kid, this is going to be a fun ride...