"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come." Oprah
Maybe it is lame to quote Oprah, but I'm desperatly hopeful
that she's right. This blog is really to try to deter the premature insanity that was beginning to emerge while I am learning web design, and following my passions. If you have a strong stomach, and good sense of humor, or are one of my friends or family (not optional for that group) please enjoy the ride.
The story starts with post #1, and continues to present day. I will keep you posted (pun intended), with the lasted chapter daily. Also, I will share my reviews of the books I escape with along the way.
Please, read, enjoy, comment, link, or message me. I'd love the feedback, it makes it seem less like I am just talking to myself.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Inspired Design

Lotus bud 2
Originally uploaded by tanakawho
Today, the second day of my new career, I needed business cards. My mother, the writer, was scheduled to attend a writer's luncheon at a local country club. She graciously asked if I, the now self employed, would like to go with her. Heck yeah, I wanted to go. I needed an excuse to change out of my PJ's at least once this week. It seems like wearing your PJs to work is a perk, but actually by day I was feeling like a slob.
Off I went with make up on, hair curled, and earrings. At least I looked like I was making money. So, we have salad, and meet the others at the table. It is going nicely. The director of the IABC (International Assn of Business Communicators), the group sponsoring the lunch, starts things off, and wants all the guests to introduce themselves. Yeah, that was me. Shit, shit, shit! What was I supposed to say? And, I am sitting in the front of the room, since we were the last ones in the room. Yep, Mom, the one with actual credentials goes first, then me. So, off the cuff I say that I am a freelance writer, since I got that great job writing yesterday, and have done a tiny bit on elance, and web designer. Just moved to the area from Austin. Okay, so I didn't say web designer in training, since that sounded lame, and I was nervous. But I have designed some stuff, so it was sort of true. Anyway, they guy talked, it was mildly entertaining, and the food was good. Then, it was over, and I started gathering my stuff to leave. Since Mom knew some people there, she was mingling, and I was gathering. THEN, here is what happened: two people came up to me and asked for my business card. Yeah, like I had a business. Except, wait, I guess I do have a business. I just have to start thinking of it like that. I make a lame excuse that I was having them printed since I just moved to the area, and promised to have some next time. (they do the lunches monthly, and I WILL be there next month) Once I finished gathering, my mom's colleague said, "since you are doing web design now, maybe you could be the webmaster for our writer's group". Me "gulp, yeah, of course I can do that, I would love to", her " and we have been meaning to redesign the site as well, that would be great". Me "Yes, that would be great", as I am feeling the water going up over my head.
So, after I regained my composure in record time, and accepted my reality check, that I was a freelancer, and had my own design/writing business, and needed to represent myself that way, and network, I got my teacher on the phone and said, " Robert, we need business cards, and our professional web sites up by this time next week, since we are going to have work to do."
Needless to say, we both worked the rest of the day on our personal professional sites, and designs for business cards. That is the reason for the picture. I have used this photo, and a series of the lotus opening up, for the buttons on my site, since it is called Inspired Design, and I think it is inspiring and pretty. The lotus is cloaking in all kinds of legend of enlightenment, and inspiration, so I think it is fitting, and the colors match the seedling picture I am using on the banner. I wanted you guys to have a preview. I think the cards with be black border, with this picture, and then the writing. I will post it, as soon as I have the prototype, and the site should be up by next Thursday.
Hopefully, soon I will have more work than I know what to do with, and be hiring help! So today is another thankful day, and progress in the right direction. Stay tuned for tomorrow, plus I have some reviews to post!