"What I know is, is that if you do work that you love, and the work fulfills you, the rest will come." Oprah
Maybe it is lame to quote Oprah, but I'm desperatly hopeful
that she's right. This blog is really to try to deter the premature insanity that was beginning to emerge while I am learning web design, and following my passions. If you have a strong stomach, and good sense of humor, or are one of my friends or family (not optional for that group) please enjoy the ride.
The story starts with post #1, and continues to present day. I will keep you posted (pun intended), with the lasted chapter daily. Also, I will share my reviews of the books I escape with along the way.
Please, read, enjoy, comment, link, or message me. I'd love the feedback, it makes it seem less like I am just talking to myself.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Start Up Growth is a painful process.

Today I took my toddler to her second day at her new daycare. We toured the center last week, and met with the owner. She told us about how they had been renting the back part of the center for the last 3 years, and had just purchased the entire shopping center, and were in the process of renovations, and redesign. At the time, I was totally focused on my daughter's new school, not the relations of startup pain.
Then this morning, I was dropping my daughter off when her class was heading to the lunchroom for snack. That meant that they were going to walk around the building, holding their rings (on a rope to keep them together), down the step, along the rock path, and up another step. Awkward, and inefficient, but not awful. Probably more stressful on the teachers, and the kids than the center's owner realized.
As I was walking back to my car, I thought, I guess those are the growing pains of owning, and growing a business. (yes, here is the tie in) Then I realized that those are the same type of awkward inefficiencies that we have had with Ijustfinished.com. The steps, rock paths, and ring ropes until we find the best way to do something.
That is the burden of a start up, well the learning curves, and all the money, but that is a whole different post.
Tomorrow, the whole team is meeting to do a big planning meeting, finalize the redesign, and refocus. I think that is the way we cope with the learning curve. Identify what works, what doesn't and put an action plan together. Wow, I am a very long way from my comfort zone as a nurse, and despite the general discomfort, it feel pretty damn good.


The Literary Gift Company said...

I totally emphasize with this post. I have 3 small children and I have just set up a new company. In fact I was browsing different blogs looking for people who might be interested in linking to my new site.
Anyway the site is book related:
and the start up has been fun and exciting, but yes it is also painful!! (Just like having children I guess...) Anyway, I enjoyed reading your weblog,
Dani Hall